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Tart Cherry Juice Testimonials

What people say about the juice

Without a doubt the best I have felt in a long time. Thanks guys.


We used it last night for the first time with our 2 year old. I didn’t hear a peep out of her ~ slept the whole night. THANK YOU!!!


BEST tart cherry juice EVER! Accept no other! This juice really is healthy and delicious! You will notice a difference … its incredible!!!


“I’ve tried their sour cherry juice in a smoothie everyday for two months, and my left hip arthritis improved dramatically. When I stopped taking it for a short time, the pain returned. I’ve spoken to a doctor about the anti-inflammatory benefits, and the doctor agreed that sour cherry juice is a good anti-inflammatory. Try it and see for yourself; it’s also delicious just by itself.“


Love it! As long as you have it I’ll be a customer.


“Ten days ago I was in a lot of pain from my neck as I have inflammatory arthritis from Crohn’s disease. A friend gave me some Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate and I’ve been using it twice a day since. Already it is better! Amazing! And it ‘s yummy too! Thank you!”


I love it. Thank you for this product. My joints have never felt better ~ well, when I was 20 maybe!!!


“I wanted to share with you that after visiting your farm last May 24th and purchasing tart cherry juice, drinking it daily, ordering more and continuing to drink it daily, my cholesterol levels have shown a remarkable reduction.  Thank you for introducing tart cherry juice to me.”


It’s not just delicious, I believe it’s good for more than they even claim.  I discovered yours while visiting a friend in Batavia and we went to the farmers market.  I had upper respiratory congestion, purchased a small bottle – just to try it. I put enough to taste good (more than 2T) in a 33oz bottle of water and drank it through the evening and night.  By the next morning the chest congestion was gone, no kidding.  I did one more round through the next day, it did not come back.  It worked that way this past winter – nipped it in the bud this time.  No, it’s not on their list, but I will swear by it; and, it does make sense since it’s an anti-inflammatory. ”


“I just wanted to let you folks know that your tart cherry juice concentrate has much better flavor than the concentrate you get from Michigan.”


I love the tart cherry juice so much that I get panic-stricken when I’m low…and now I’ve gotten attached to the apple and grape juice concentrate! Such an adorable little place with cutting-edge information.
